The older generation used to have it set as their home page and Seznam was simply synonymous with the Internet for them. But today's browsers show their own panels.
We have created a creative campaign concept for based on the idea of endless possibilities and variety of services offered. The main theme is infinity, which refers to unique elements of, such as the infinite Newsfeed. A distinctive element of the campaign is the music from the film The Neverending Story, which enhances the message and promotes memorability through a nostalgic effect. Moreover, the creative solution reflects a unique feature of the platform - the absence of a footer - and uses an international musical motif, which is less common in Czech advertising.
Our main goal was to strengthen the mental availability of Seznam in the minds of casual users.
Our digital doggo has successfully rekindled the Czechs' love for Seznam!
The campaign for met its goal, which is confirmed by a 7.1% increase in the number of page views among moderately active users, while the effect of the campaign was verified using a method that eliminates external influences, trends and seasonality.
The main advertising video spot was evaluated in a pre-test and post-test, with 67% of respondents reporting positive emotions after the campaign (benchmark 50%) and 73% before the campaign. 85% of respondents were able to associate the spot with the brand within the first five seconds, significantly outperforming the average of 43%.