Paying homage to remarkable people from the protests   

Faces of freedom Faces of freedom Faces of freedom
O2 ― Faces of freedom

17th of November is a very important holiday for Czechs and Slovaks, because it is the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day. The day when thousands of students went to the streets to protest against the Russian occupancy of the one-party government of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, starting a non-violent nation-wide protests, the "Velvet Revolution".

And for the past 2 years, O2 and us were trying to raise its awareness with our award-winning campaign series "Forgotten Day of Freedom", with Digital Iron Curtain and Live from 1989. On the third year of the campaign we've decided to pay a tribute to the actual people that were present in the protests on 17th of November in 1989.

We took some notoriously known photos from the protests and tried to identify the people on the photos, letting the people tag themselves and their close ones, and hearing their testimonials from this important day.

A lot of influencers have been engaged in the campaign and popular Slovak rappers Tono S. and Vec have even wrote a song called "Faces of Freedom" where they paid a tribute to the people protesting in 1989.

What's cool is that 25 other small and big companies have voluntarily joined our campaign and publicly thanked the courageous from the 17th of November on their social profiles.

And here's the case study in Slovak. 


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